By Oliver
Tags: System Integration
Integrate Zoom video conference meetings directly on your website
With Lockdown affecting the way that we work, are you finding that some of your customers are struggling to use Zoom?
Those once all important face-to-face meetings have now been reduced, in some cases, to video conferencing nightmares. But it doesn’t have to be that complicated. There is in fact a simple solution that will allow your customers to virtually meet with you, no software, no installations and no downloads necessary! Just a click of a link and they’ll be online with you in seconds ready to discuss the things that matter. No more wasted time trying to sign up for third party apps.
One of our valued clients, Hillcroft, faced a difficult problem. Most of their customers didn’t have the capability or permission to download and install the Zoom application and set up an account. This made conversations with their sales reps very difficult, especially at times where a phone call was simply not enough. So Hillcroft came to us with this issue and we implemented the full Zoom experience for them directly onto their website!
Now their customers can join a Zoom meeting directly through their web browser without having to download any software or deal with any complicated set up.
The solution involves using Zoom’s SDK (software development kit). This allows us to integrate the Zoom video conferencing framework inside a web browser so that the user will not need to install any kind of application in order to join a meeting.
Simply put, as a business this will allow you to direct your customers to your own website for a meeting. You provide the customer with their unique meeting link on your website domain to access the call and all they need to do is click the link, enter their name and join.
If you’re interested in finding out how you can get this solution or something similar implemented on your website, then get in touch with us here or simply give us a call! We’re a friendly bunch and we’d love to chat.
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